Curriculum Vitae

Petra inspecting the ruins of the ancient Termessos, searching for an inscription. Photo credit: B. Weissová, 2015

ORCID: 0000-0002-6349-0540


Twitter: @pettulda


Academic Posts

  • July 2023 - ongoing: Past Social Networks Project, Assistant Professor, Department of History and Classical Studies, Aarhus University, Denmark, 0.9 FTE, research 90 %, teaching 10 %

  • Feb 2022 - ongoing: FAIR Epigraphy Project, Postdoc, Department of Ancient History, Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz, 0.3 FTE, research 100 %

  • Sep 2019 - Nov 2022: SDAM Project, Postdoc, Department of History and Classical Studies, Aarhus University, Denmark, 0.8 FTE (0.6 FTE from 1 Sep 22), research 80 %, teaching 20 %

  • Feb 2016 - Dec 2018: FAIMS Project, Research Associate, Department of Ancient History, Macquarie University, Sydney, 0.8 FTE, software development 90 %, research 10 % 

  • Feb 2018 - Jul 2018: Casual Lecturer and Course Convenor, Macquarie University, Sydney, teaching 100 %

  • Feb 2013 - Jul 2013: Casual Tutor, University of New South Wales, Sydney, teaching 100 %


  • PhD, Dec 2017, Charles University, Prague: Ancient history; “Hellenisation of Ancient Thrace based on epigraphic evidence” (in Czech),
    Quantitative analysis of regional production of inscriptions, combining approaches from archaeology, digital humanities, epigraphy and related disciplines. Creation of a digital database containing over 4600 inscriptions.

  • MA, Sep 2011, Charles University, Prague: Classical Archaeology; Ancient Greek; “The First and the Second Athenian League: A Comparison” (in Czech)


I am a researcher of the ancient Mediterranean: trained as an Ancient Historian (PhD), Classical Archaeologist (MA), and Classicist (MA), but I consider myself a Digital Epigrapher - a subdiscipline that fuses all the aspects of ancient life with the cutting-edge digital research. I combine my passion for ancient Greek and Roman history with over 15 years of experience in archaeological fieldwork and a strong foundation in Digital Humanities and research software development. By leveraging computational and statistical techniques, machine learning, text mining, and social network analysis, I investigate the evolution of the ancient Meditteranean world over centuries, addressing the incomplete and biased nature of Latin and Greek epigraphic evidence. I apply the long-duree historical perspective to study how past societies changed in reaction to elevated societal pressure, such as migration, depletion of resources, conflicts, degrading ecological environment or spread of infectious diseases - all topics relevant to today’s society. My work is characterized by a collaborative spirit and commitment to knowledge sharing and interdisciplinary integration, adhering to the principles of FAIR data and Open Science. I help to develop and apply cutting-edge solutions to rethink traditional methodologies to enable large-scale analysis of historical sources, namely primary texts with high levels of temporal uncertainty. I strive for the highest standards of academic excellence while constantly pushing the boundaries of current research, yet I am committed to nurturing a friendly and honest environment. I maintain a worldwide network of active collaborations, both in the fields of archaeology and epigraphy.

International Research Projects (alphabetic order)

I have participated in over 10 international collaborative archaeological projects across Bulgaria, Greece, Italy, the Czech Republic, Israel, and Australia. My roles have included team leader, research assistant, and domain specialist in epigraphy, data collection, data management, and GIS. The projects have encompassed traditional excavation, pedestrian field surface survey, remote sensing, ground-truthing, legacy data verification, and digitization of analogue data. In the past six years, I have become involved in several Digital Archaeology (FAIMS, SDAM) and Digital Epigraphy (FAIR Epigraphy, Past Social Networks) projects, fostering interdisciplinary and international collaboration.

  1. FAIR Epigraphy: A collaborative project between Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz (PI Prof Marietta Horster) and the University of Oxford (PI Prof Jonathan Prag) to implement principles of FAIR and Open Science into epigraphy

    • Role: Postdoc, domain specialist, in charge of creating and implementing standards across the discipline, coordination with 14 international partner projects; research in the use of Linked Open Data in epigraphy, organisation of training workshops and educational materials; collaboration with RSE based in Oxford in developing the tools (triplestore, vocabularies, nanopublications, human-friendly documentation…), outreach, 2022 - present

  2. Federated Archaeological Management Systems (FAIMS): eResearch initiative specialising in the digital field-based data capture, based at Macquarie University, Australia, PI Prof Shawn Ross.

    • Role: Client & Community Manager, agile open-source software development coordination, data modelling, data management, iterative testing, quality assurance, writing and testing user documentation, delivery of the product and the first tier of remote field support, coordination of internship, 2016 - 2018

    • Production of over 80 digital projects (, digital field recording solutions for archaeological excavations and field surveys in China, Israel, Malawi, Turkey and Australia, rock art recording, archival research, or geological surveys in Western Australia and several citizen science projects mapping biodiversity in Australia. My goal was to deliver a digital product that meets the needs of the researcher while maintaining high standards of software development and usability of the tool.

  3. Hellenisation of Ancient Thrace (HAT): Doctoral project at the Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic, analysing large scale patterns of epigraphic production and cultural change in Thrace. The project covers more than 4600 digitised inscriptions spanning over 11 centuries that were found in the area of modern-day Bulgaria, Greece, and Turkey.

    • Role: Lead researcher, epigrapher, team coordinator; design of the project, data modelling, database creation and management, data collection, GIS and data analysis, presentation of results in an international environment, 2011- present 

  4. Past Social Networks Project: Project based at Aarhus University, Denmark, PI Professor Tom Brughmans, reconstructing the past social networks of the Roman Empire.

    • Role: Role: Assistant professor, digital epigrapher; domain specialist with a strong skill set in digital humanities and programming; methodologies to deal with biases and uncertainty of historical evidence when reconstructing past social networks; FAIR data principles and Open Science, reproducibility in historical disciplines; development of the first open repository of past network data with Center for Humanities Computing; 2023 - present 

  5. Perachora Peninsula Archaeological Project (PPAP): Collaborative international archaeological project in the environs of the sanctuary of Hera at Perachora, Greece, organised by the Macquarie and Aarhus University, PI Dr Susan Lupack (Macquarie University)

    • Role: Deputy of Survey Director, in charge of pedestrian field survey, digital recording using the FAIMS platform, in-field technical support incl. server management, digital data workflow, field team management; resident digital epigrapher, 2020 - present 

  6. Social Dynamics in the Ancient Mediterranean Project (SDAM): Project based at Aarhus University, Denmark, PI Associate Prof Adela Sobotkova, aggregation and analysis of longitudinal datasets to address the patterns of social change in the Mediterranean region in Antiquity.

    • Role: Postdoc and digital epigrapher; domain specialist with a strong skillset in digital humanities; focus on FAIR data principles and Open Science; methodologies to deal with temporal uncertainty of historical evidence, reproducibility in historical disciplines, 2019 - present

  7. Stroyno Archaeological Project (SAP): International, a multi-disciplinary archaeological project organised by the Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic and the Yambol Historic Museum, Bulgaria, PIs Dr Petra Tuslova, Dr Barbora Weissova 

    • Role: Team member, epigrapher, numismatist, data modelling and management specialist, PostgreSQL database creation and management, excavation team member, 2014 - present 

  8. Tundzha Regional Archaeological Project (TRAP):  International, multi-disciplinary project based at Macquarie University, Sydney, exploring the landscape archaeology and palaeo-environments of the upper and middle Tundzha River, Bulgaria, PIs Prof Shawn Ross and Associate Prof Adela Sobotkova. 

    • Role: Team member, research assistant, team leader, pedestrian field survey, data management, team management, digital recording using FAIMS platform, in-field tech support, 2009 - present 

Digital skills and favourite tools

I have a long-term interest in digital scholarship, integrating diverse methodological approaches and workflows to enhance our understanding of historical evidence. Self-taught in various programming languages, including R and Python, I employ these skills in my research, leveraging computational and statistical methods. I co-develop computational pipelines to analyze Roman society over time on both macro and micro levels, using inscriptions as empirical data. Since April 2018, I have been a member of the Carpentries community, advocating for reproducible science and teaching digital literacy to scholars and students. I enjoy challenging myself with complex tasks and experimenting with new techniques. My digital portfolio is freely accessible on GitHub:

  • Data manipulation, tex mining, and statistical analysis: OpenRefine, RegEx, Python, R, Shell

  • Mapping, spatial analysis, geospatial data manipulation: QGIS, ArcGIS, Carto, R

  • Generalized field data collection, data modelling and research design: FAIMS Mobile (Android based platform running SQLite database; XML)

  • Database design: PostgreSQL, MS Access

  • Typesetting and professional publishing: ConTeXt, Overleaf (LaTeX)

  • Version control, reproducibility, fair data principles: GitHub, Open Science Framework, Zenodo

  • Software development/team management: Atlassian JIRA, Confluence, Google Suite, Cloudstor, Slack, Miro

  • Online Learning Management Systems: Moodle, iLearn, Turnitin, Blackboard

  • Bibliographical reference management: EndNote, Mendeley, BibTeX, Zotero

Academic publications

I have published 14 peer-reviewed articles in international scientific journals, eight chapters in edited volumes, and nine posters. I have actively participated in many international archaeological and epigraphic conferences, and given talks as an invited speaker around Europe and Australia. I co-organised both local and international workshops and educational activities. I have published under the last name Heřmánková (since 2019) and Janouchová (until 2019). I provide an example of my extensive digital portfolio, documenting not only the range of my research but also the successful incorporation of digital methods into the discipline considered very traditional, epigraphy and namely ancient history. I have experience with data creation: I published an editio princeps (a primary publication of inscriptions) in its traditional and digital format but also aggregated digital archives from various sources. I have created several tools making the work of a historian not only easier but also compliant with the state of the art requirements of the discipline. I helped to develop methods that push the boundaries of the discipline while adhering to academic rigour. The usefulness of my approach can be demonstrated by not only the list of academic publications but also by other people using the tools and methods in their research.

    1. Heřmánková, P. (forthcoming). The Construction and Use of Prosopographical Databases.”. In R. Flower, M. Horster, F. Hurlet, & R. W. Mathisen (Eds.), Companion to Roman Prosopography. Brill.
    2. Sobotkova, A., & Hermankova, P. (forthcoming). Robust Digital Tools May Not Break or Make Fieldwork, But They Sure Help.”. CAA 2021 ‘Digital Crossroads’, Limassol, Cyprus, 2021.
    3. Bastero, M., Duce Pastor, E., de la Escosura Balbás, M. C., & Heřmánková, P. (2024). VIII Workshop in Berlin: Report from the Steering Committee (v1.0). VIII Workshop, Berlin. Zenodo.
    4.  Gheldof, T., Hershkowitz, A., & Heřmánková, P. (2024). in 2020-2023: Report on Workshops V-VII.”Zenodo 
    5. Valchev, T., Sobotkova, A., Hermankova, P., & Weissova, B. (2024). Field Survey of a Cold-War Landscape in Southeast Bulgaria.”. In A. Hein (Ed.), Big Data in Archaeology: Proceedings of the 4th Conference of the Greek Chapter of the Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology (CAA-GR), 21-22 October 2021 (pp. 1–12). Institute for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology – N.C.S.R. “Demokritos”.
    6. Kaše, V., Sobotkova, A., & Heřmánková, P. (2023). Modeling Temporal Uncertainty in Historical Datasets. Proceedings of the Computational Humanities Research Conference 2023, 3558, 413–425.

    7. Glomb, Tomáš, Vojtěch Kaše, and Petra Heřmánková. 2022. “Popularity of the Cult of Asclepius in the Times of the Antonine Plague: Temporal Modeling of Epigraphic Evidence.” Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 43: 103466. 
    8. Kaše, Vojtěch, Petra Heřmánková, and Adéla Sobotková. 2022. “Division of Labor, Specialization and Diversity in the Ancient Roman Cities: A Quantitative Approach to Latin Epigraphy.” PLOS ONE 17 (6): e0269869.
    9. Heřmánková, Petra. 2022a. “The Epigraphic Finds from Yurta-Stroyno in a Regional Context.” In The Yurta-Stroyno Archaeological Project: Studies on the Roman Rural Settlement in Thrace, edited by Petra Tušlová, Barbora Weissová, and Stefan Bakardzhiev, 118–32. Studia Hercynia Monographs 2. Prague: Charles University, Faculty of Arts.
    10. Heřmánková, Petra. 2022b. “The Numismatic Finds.” In The Yurta-Stroyno Archaeological Project: Studies on the Roman Rural Settlement in Thrace, edited by Petra Tušlová, Barbora Weissová, and Stefan Bakardzhiev, 132–44. Studia Hercynia Monographs 2. Prague: Charles University, Faculty of Arts.
    11. Heřmánková, Petra, Marietta Horster, and Jonathan Prag. 2022. “Digital Epigraphy in 2022: A Report from the Scoping Survey of the FAIR Epigraphy Project.” Zenodo.
    12. Sobotkova, Adela, and Petra Hermankova. 2022. “Emergent Archaeological Realities and Reusable Datasets: What Is the Priority?” In Digital Heritage and Archaeology in Practice, edited by Ethan Watrall and Lynn Goldstein, 135-149. Florida University Press.
    13. Heřmánková, Petra, Vojtěch Kaše, and Adéla Sobotkova. 2021. “Inscriptions as Data: Digital Epigraphy in Macro-Historical Perspective.” Journal of Digital History 1.
    14. Kaše, Vojtěch, Petra Heřmánková, and Adéla Sobotkova. 2021. “Classifying Latin Inscriptions of the Roman Empire: A Machine-Learning Approach.” Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Computational Humanities Research (CHR2021) 2989: 123–35.
    15. Janouchová (Heřmánková), Petra. 2021. “Quantitative Approaches to Epigraphy: Epigraphic Production in Thrace as a Mirror of Social Organization.” In Peoples in the Black Sea Region from the Archaic to the Roman Period, Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on the Black Sea in Antiquity “ Thessaloniki, 21-23 September 2018, edited by Manolis Manoledakis, 83–94. Oxford: Archaeopress.
    16. Sobotkova, Adela, Shawn Adrian Ross, Petra Hermankova, Susan Lupack, Christian Nassif-Haynes, Brian Ballsun-Stanton, and Panagiota Kasimi. 2021. “Deploying an Offline, Multi-User Mobile System for Digital Recording of Landscape Archaeology in the Perachora Peninsula, Greece.” Journal of Field Archaeology. 2021, 46(8). 571-594.
    17. Janouchová, Petra (2018). The Epigraphic Evidence from Kazanlak and Yambol, c. 500 BC - AD 300. In S. A. Ross, A. Sobotkova, J. Tzvetkova, G. Nekhrizov, & S. Connor (Eds.), Tundzha Regional Archaeological Project, Surface Survey, Palaeoecology, and Related Studies (2009-2015): Final Report (pp. 217-228). Oxford: Oxbow Books.

    18. Janouchová, Petra, Weissová, Barbora (2018). The use of writing in the funerary context in Classical and Hellenistic Thrace. In M. Arslan (Ed.) SOMA 2015: Time, Space and People: Proceedings of the 19th Symposium on Mediterranean Archaeology (pp. 59-74). Oxford: Archaeopress.

    19. Janouchová, Petra (2018). Thracians, Greeks or Romans? The inhabitants of ancient Thrace and their identity based on funerary inscriptions. In M. A. Janković & V. Mihailovič (Eds.) Reflections of Roman Imperialism (pp. 288-306). Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

    20. Tušlová, Petra, Weissová, Barbora, Bakardzhiev, Stefan, Čisťakova, Viktorya, Frecer, Robert, & Janouchová, Petra (2016). The Stroyno Archaeological Project, Report on the Season 2015. Studia Hercynia 19(1–2), 247–265.

    21. Janouchová, Petra (2016). The Ancestral Apollo Cult in Ancient Thrace: A Result of Internal Colonisation? Ancient West & East 15, 83–101.

    22. Janouchová, Petra (2014). Ourios Heliopolitanus Inscription in the Institute of Classical Archaeology, Charles University. Studia Hercynia 17(2), 41–50.

    23. Janouchová, Petra (2014). Database of Greek inscriptions ‘Hellenisation of Ancient Thrace’: a final report on investigations during 2013-2014. Studia Hercynia 18(1–2), 67–74.

    24. Janouchová, Petra (2013). The Cult of Bendis in Athens and Thrace. Graeco-Latina Brunensia 18(1), 95–106.

    25. Janouchová, Petra (2013). Thrácké Nymfy a řecké nápisy: možné využití GIS v epigrafice. Auriga 55(2), 5–26.

    Conference presentations and invited talks

    1. 'Networking with the Romans: exploring ancient connectivity through inscriptions and roads', with Tom Brugmans, Matteo Mazzamurro, Neena Øelund Pagh, Ancient History Seminar, organised by Christian Thomsen, Copenhagen University, 23 Nov 2023.

    2. 'Division of labour, specialization and diversity in the ancient Roman cities', Historisk studiekreds, Aarhus University, 2 Nov 2022.

    3. 'Ancient Associations in the Macroscope: Net harm or net benefit for the Roman economy?', with Adela Sobotkova, and Vojtech Kase, Computing the Past: Computational approaches to the dynamics of cultures and societies, Pilsen, Czech Republic, 7 Oct 2022.

    4. 'Temporal uncertainty and quantitative research in epigraphy: the case of funerary formulae', with Vojtech KaseXVI Congressus Internationalis Epigraphiae Graecae et Latinae, Bordeaux, 29 Aug - 2 Sept 2022.

    5. 'Latin inscriptions from the Epigraphic Database Heidelberg (EDH): one piece of a puzzle', TextWorlds, University of Uppsala, 16 June 2022.

    6. 'Exploring the Diffusion of Ideas: The Gods of the Underworld in Roman epigraphy', Religious Networks in Antiquity, Connected Past, Bergen University, 7-8 June 2022.

    7. 'Of inscriptions and men: re-discovering the ‘true’ nature of Latin epigraphic production', PhD Course: Finding the untold stories: invisible people of the past, UrbNet, Aarhus University, 4 May 2022.

    8. 'Digital Epigraphy in 2022', Classical Antiquity and Its Heritage Research Seminars: Digital Classics, Aarhus University, 6 April 2022.

    9. 'Classifying Latin Inscriptions of the Roman Empire: A Machine-Learning Approach', with Vojtech Kase and Adela Sobotkova, Computational Humanities Research 2021 (online), 17 Nov 2021.

    10. 'Report on the activities of the Vocabularies working group in 2021', VI, Institute for Advanced Studies, Princeton (online), 20 Oct 2021.

    11. 'Of texts and meanings: challenges of lemmatization of incomplete epigraphic texts', with Vojtech Kase, The Connected Past - artefactual intelligence, 29 - 30 Sep 2021.

    12. 'Epigrapher ex-machina: machine learning application for classification of Latin inscriptions', with Jan Kostkan, Digital Literacy 2.0, Middelfahrt, 19 Aug 2021.

    13. 'Good digital tools do not make or break field survey ...but they sure help!', with Adela Sobotkova, Computer Applications in Archaeology 2021 (online), 17 Jun 2021.

    14. ’Diversity challenges for junior international researchers during Covid-19’, Workshop on Diversity challenges for junior researchers during Covid-19 (online), Aarhus University, 17 Dec 2020.

    15. 'Modelling temporal uncertainty in archaeological & historical datasets: The case of ancient Greek & Latin inscriptions', with Vojtech Kase, Computer Applications in Archaeology Nordic (online), 9 Oct 2022.

    16. 'Inscriptions as Data: Quantitative Approaches in Epigraphy and its Challenges', SAXO Institute, University of Copenhagen (online), 7 Oct 2020.

    17. 'Challenges of quantitative epigraphy in 2011 and 2020', V, Hamburg University, 19 Feb 2020.

    18. 'The life-cycle of data: an introduction to data modelling and database design in PostgreSQL', Institut für Archäologische Wissenschaften, Ruhr University, Bochum, Germany, 11 Dec 2019.

    19. 'Petrified voices: the evolution of the Graeco-Roman epigraphic production in space and time', Digital Approaches to Research in Humanities and Social Sciences, Aarhus University, 30 Oct 2019.

    20. ‘Long-term trends in the epigraphic production of Thrace’, The Perspectives of Classical Archaeology VII, Faculty of Arts, Charles University, Prague, 6-7 December 2018.

    21. ’Quantitative Approaches to Epigraphy: Epigraphic Production in Thrace as a Mirror of Social Organization.’ The 3rd International Workshop on the Black Sea in Antiquity “Peoples in the Black Sea, from Prehistory to the Roman Period”, International Hellenic University, Thessaloniki, 21-23 September 2018.

    22. ‘Compromising the (local) identity in Thrace’, Research seminar, Department of Ancient History, Macquarie University, Sydney, 27 Oct 2017.

    23. ‘Compromising the (local) identity’, XV Congressus Internationalis Epigraphiae Graecae et Latinae, Vienna, 28 Aug - 1 Sept 2017.

    24. ‘Scripta Minora Stroynensia: the less visible epigraphic evidence from rural Thrace’, The Perspectives of Classical Archaeology IV, Institute for Classical Archaeology, Prague, 10-11 Dec 2015

    25. ‘The Use of Writing in Funerary Context in Classical and Hellenistic Thrace’, co-author B. Weissova, 19th SOMA - Symposium on Mediterranean Archaeology 2015, Antalya - Kemer, Turkey, 12-14 Nov 2015

    26. ‘Database presentation: Hellenisation of Ancient Thrace’, Association of Classical Philologists, Prague, Czech Republic, 29 Jan 2015

    27. ‘Χαῖρε, παροδεῖτα: eloquent identity markers of death in Roman Thrace’ at the conference Imperialism and Identities at the Edges of the Roman World II, Petnica, Serbia, 18 - 21 Sept 2014

    28. ‘Thracian Nymphs as presented by Greek inscriptions’, The Perspectives of Classical Archaeology I, Institute for Classical Archaeology, Prague, 11-12 December 2012.

    29. ‘Thracian Goddess Bendis in Athens and in Thrace’, Laetae Segetes III, International PhD Student Conference, Masaryk University, Brno, 13-16th November 2012

    30. ‘Dodoparon Apollo sanctuary: typical or exceptional?’, ‘Settlement Life in Ancient Thrace’, 5th International Symposium, Yambol, 7 – 9 November 2012.

    31. ‘Thracians in Athens: Friends or Strangers?’, International conference Classics Colloquium Europaeum, 21 – 23 October 2012, Helsinki, Finland.


    1. Asif, I., Heřmánková, P., Horster, M., & Prag, J. (2024). Towards a FAIR(er) Epigraphy. NACGLE IV,

    2. Heřmánková, P., Asif, I., Prag, J., & Horster, M. (2024). FAIR Epigraphic Vocabularies: Advancing FAIR and Open Science in Epigraphy. VIII, Berlin.

    3. ' The First Four Years: Past, Present, and Future of a Digital Epigraphy Community', Javier Andreu Pintado (ES), Marina Bastero (ES), Chiara Cenati (AUT), M. Cristina de la Escosura Balbás (ES), Elena Duce Pastor (ES), Sergio España-Chamorro (ES), Tom Gheldof (BE), Petra Hermankova (DK), Aaron Hershkowitz (USA), Tina Hobel (AUT), Anja Ragolic (CHR), Vincent Razanajao (FR), Nadine Riegler (AUT), Thea Sommerschield (IT), XVI Congressus Internationalis Epigraphiae Graecae et Latinae, Bordeaux, 29 Aug - 2 Sep 2022.

    4. <'FAIR Epigraphy: Too many databases? Or just not enough linked data?', with Marietta Horster, Jonathan Prag, and Imran Asif, XVI Congressus Internationalis Epigraphiae Graecae et Latinae, Bordeaux, 29 Aug - 2 Sep 2022.

    5. ' and the Epigraphic Ontology', with Tom Gheldof & Steering Committee Members, Linked Pasts VII, 14 December 2021, Ghent.

    6. ‘INSCRIPTIONS TO GO: Mobile platform for offline epigraphic data collection’, EAGLE 2016 International Conference on Digital and Traditional Epigraphy in Context. 27-29 Jan 2016. Odeion – Sapienza, University of Rome

    7. ‘Speaking Mounds: Characteristics of Inscribed Objects in Burial Mounds in Selected Areas of Thrace’, Postgraduate conference PeCla II, Institute for Classical Archaeology, Prague, co-author B. Weissova, 16-17 December 2013

    8. ‘The identity and self-identification on Greek inscriptions from Thrace’, 5th International Congress On Black Sea Antiquities The Danubian Lands between the Black, Aegean and Adriatic Seas, (Belgrade - 17-21 September 2013)

    9. ‘Greek Inscriptions in Ancient Thrace: Hellenization and Its Spatial Extent’, XIV Congressus Internationalis Epigraphiae Graecae et Latinae, Berlin, 27-31 August 2012

    Organised workshops

    1. VIII in Berlin, 3-5 April 2024 - programming committee, local organiser, website and digital contents;

    2. RDF and SPARQL for beginners hands-on session, 2-hour hands-on session as part of VIII, Berlin, 3 April 2024; lead instructor Imran Asif, University of Oxford, Jonathan Prag, University of Oxford, Marietta Horster, Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz

    3. VII in Leuven, 24-26 April 2023 - programming committee as part of the Steering committee duties; website and digital contents;

    4. Classical Antiquity and Its Heritage Research Seminars: Digital Classics vol. 1; Petra Hermankova (Organizer), Troels Myrup Kristensen (Organizer), Adéla Sobotkova (Speaker), Petra Hermankova (Speaker), Evert Hendrik van Emde Boas (Speaker) & Marianne Pade (Speaker), 6 Apr 2022

    5. Networks Analysis for Humanities; Petra Hermankova (Organizer), Adéla Sobotkova (Organizer), Antonio Rivero Ostoic (Organizer), Vojtech Kase (Organizer), Tom Brughmans (Speaker), Antonio Rivero Ostoic (Speaker) & Anja Znidarsic (Speaker), 26 Jun 2020 and 30 Jun 2020

    6. Digital Approaches to Research in Humanities and Social Sciences; Petra Hermankova (Organizer), Adéla Sobotkova (Organizer), Antonio Rivero Ostoic (Organizer), Vojtech Kase (Organizer), 30 Oct 2019


    I have been a Chief investigator on 16,000 EUR worth of grants during my PhD, and have contributed as a domain specialist to seven international projects with an overall value of 1.5mil EUR. In October 2024 I am applying for an ERC Starting Grant to study the long-term evolution of ancient Mediterranean epigraphic behaviour.

    Chief investigator:

    • Grant Agency of Charles University, GAUK 546813/2013, 2013-2014, ‘Graeco-Thracian society in the light of epigraphic evidence’, CI, $AUD 20,000

    • Small special purpose grant/project scholarship of Faculty of Arts, Charles University, The BSA Postgraduate Course of Greek Epigraphy, The British School at Athens, 2011, 1,000 EUR.

    Domain specialist:

    • The Carlsberg Foundation’s Young Researcher Fellowship (CF21-0382), 2022-2026, Past Social Networks Project, CI Tom Brughmans, Aarhus University, 668.435 EUR, employed as assistant professor

    • Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) [grant number AH/W010682/1] and the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) [grant number 468455971], 2022-2025, FAIR Epigraphy, CI Prof Marietta Horster, Prof Jonathan Prag, 136,010 EUR (DFG)

    • Aarhus University Forskningsfond Starting grant no. AUFFE-2018-7-22 ‘Small data - Big Challenges: Synthetic study of complexity in the Balkans and the Black Sea, ’awarded to the ‘Social Complexity in the Ancient Mediterranean’ (SDAM) project, 2019-2022, CI Associate Prof Adela Sobotkova, 400,000 EUR

    • Research Attraction and Acceleration Program (RAAP), New South Wales Department of Industry 16805/00, ‘Federated Archaeological Information Management System: supporting citizen science and deploying mobile application across multiple disciplines’, CI Dr S. Ross, mobile application development project, client manager, $AUD 400,000.

    • Grant Agency of Charles University, GAUK 626314/2014, 2014-2016, CI Mgr B. Weissová, FFUK, ‘Spatial analysis of flat sites and mounds in selected regions of Thrace’, $AUD 40,000

    • Grant Agency of Charles University, GAUK 2086214/2014, 2014-2016, CI Mgr P. Tušlová, FFUK, ‘Documentation of Roman pottery in the Roman Province Thrace and Moesia Inferior’, $AUD 40,000

    • Internal grant of Faculty of Arts, Charles University, VG 2014-2015, 2014-2015, ‘Archaeological excavation at Stroyno, Yambol region, Bulgaria’, CI Mgr P. Tušlová, FFUK, $AUD 10,000

    International archaeological fieldwork

    I have participated in more than 10 international archaeological projects in Bulgaria, Greece, Italy, Czech Republic and Israel. I have been a team leader and research assistant, as well as domain specialist in Epigraphy, Data Management, and GIS. The projects ranged from the traditional excavation, field surface survey, remote-sensing to ground-truthing and legacy data verification.

    • PPAP 2020, Collaborative international archaeological project in the environs of the sanctuary of Hera at Perachora, Greece, organised by the Macquarie and Aarhus University, PI Dr Susan Lupack (Macquarie University), deputy of survey director, team leader, FAIMS data specialist and technical support in the field.

    • TRAP 2018, Burial mounds monitoring, Yambol region, Bulgaria, September 2018; international cooperation of Macquarie University, Yambol Historical Museum, Ruhr Bochum University and Charles University; team leader, FAIMS data specialist and technical support in the field.

    • Stroyno Archaeological Project 2015, Yambol region, Bulgaria, June – July 2015, GAUK 2086214/2014, P. Tušlová, B. Weissová, S. Bakardzhiev, Charles University, Yambol Historical Museum; data management, database development, small finds specialist, epigrapher.

    • Archaeological project Yambol region 2014, documentation of archaeological sites, legacy data collection. Sep – Oct 2014, B. Weissová, Charles University; GIS and legacy data specialist.

    • Stroyno Archaeological Project 2014, Yambol region, Bulgaria, Jun – Jul 2014, Charles University, Yambol Historical Museum, P. Tušlová, B. Weissová, Stefan Bakardzhiev; small finds specialist, data management.

    • Zagora Remote Sensing project 2013, University of Sydney and University of New South Wales, Zagora, Andros, Greece, Sept - Oct 2013, with Dr Adela Sobotkova, UNSW; team leader, project assistant.

    • Preliminary field survey of ancient city of Troezen, Greece, Sep – Oct 2012, David Hill (University of Sydney), Shawn Ross and Adela Sobotkova (University of New South Wales). Epigrapher, field team leader.

    • TRAP 2011, Oct-Dec 2011, Kazanlak Bulgaria, Systematic field survey and spatial analysis, remote sensing in Seuthopolis region. Team leader, GIS training, field-school assistant.

    • TRAP 2010, Feb-Mar 2010, Kazanlak, Bulgaria. Systematic field survey and spatial analysis, remote sensing in Seuthopolis region, around Koprinka reservoir. Field survey assistant.

    • TRAP 2009, Tundzha Regional Archaeological Project, University of New South Wales, Bulgarian Archaeological Institute and Kazanlak Regional Museum, Kazanlak, Bulgaria. Mar 2009. Systematic field survey and spatial analysis, remote sensing in Seuthopolis region. Field survey assistant.

    • KAS 2008, Kabyle Archaeological Survey Project in Bulgaria; Feb - Mar 2008; Surface Survey pilot project, Shawn Ross (UNSW) and Adela Sobotkova of (University of Michigan). Field survey assistant.

    • Collaborative project between the University of New South Wales and the Dutch Institute at Rome in Archaeological Survey, Remote Sensing at the site of L’Amastuola in Apulia, Italy; Jul 2007; Gert-Jan Burgers; Shawn Ross, Adela Sobotkova; Team assistant.

    • Collaborative project between the University of New South Wales, Sofia University and the Museum of Yambol at the site of Kabyle, Bulgaria; June 2007. Team assistant.

    • Archaeological Institute of Brno (AV CR Brno): Field-school at the Roman auxiliary camp at Musov, Czech Republic. Aug 2006. Project directed by Dr B. Komoroczy and Professor Tejral of AV CR Brno.

    • University of Michigan and University of Minnesota Archaeological Project at Tel-Kedesh, Israel: Jun - Jul 2006, directors Sharon Herbert and Andrea Berlin; assistant of trench supervisor.

    Teaching Experience

    I have experience teaching courses in ancient Greek history, ancient Greek language and digital humanities / digital history. I enjoy working with students and helping other researchers expand their horizons and find new ways of understanding historical material. My teaching style is accommodating, inclusive and open to feedback, yet I try to incorporate my research into the teaching material so the students get real-life experience and understand the relevance of history in modern society. My specialty is working with primary texts in low-resourced languages, such as ancient Greek or Latin. As part of my postdoc at Aarhus Unversity, I assisted in teaching Digital Methods for BA History students 2019-2021 following the Carpentries curriculum, as well as co-instructed and acted as a helper for several Data and Software Carpentries organised by the Centre for Digital History (CEDHAR). I am an active member of The Carpentries community, which promotes digital methods and digital research literacy worldwide. I convened and taught a class in advanced Ancient Greek at Macquarie University in 2018. I supervised several interns at Macquarie and Aarhus University. While doing my PhD, I tutored courses on ancient Greek History, taught English and Czech in a private language school and overlooked an intern program at several projects. In the spring of 2025, I will be teaching an introduction to Digital Epigraphy “From Stone to Computer: A Practical Dive into Digital Epigraphy” to MA students of archaeology/classics at Aarhus University. At the same time, I will participate in the University Pedagogical Programme at Aarhus University to receive my qualification.

    • Methodology and theory (theory-oriented method), co-instructor/assistant instructor; History and Classical Studies, Aarhus University, convenor: Dr Adela Sobotkova, Intensive 6-week course (6-8 contact hours/week), introduction to digital literacy and basics of programming in R Autumn 2019 (in person), 2020 (concurrent hybrid learning), 2021 (in person)

    • AHIS308 - Ancient Greek C (third year, advanced course), Unit Convenor & Lecturer, Macquarie University, Department of Ancient History, Feb - Jul 2018, internal and external unit, 2h/week, 9 students

    • ARTS 2283 - Ancient Greek history, Tutor & Guest Lecturer, University of New South Wales, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Sydney, Feb - Jun 2013, selected lectures in ancient Greek History (Tyranny, 5th century Athens, Greek Epigraphy and the Athenian Empire), four tutorials, ca. 100 students

    • Software and Data Carpentry, helper, instructor in training, Macquarie University (April 2018), 2-day event every three months, ca. 40 trainees, Bash, Git, R/Python, OpenRefine,

    • FAIMS Internship coordinator, Professional and Community Engagement at Macquarie University; coordinating and training small group of undergraduate students working on digital projects in cultural heritage and archaeology, April 2017 - present

    • English and Czech language tutor, language school Horizonty, Prague, Feb 2015 - Feb 2016, small groups, individual students

    Scholarships & Special training

    I am committed to continuous skill improvement, seeking specialized training and self-directed learning through online workshops and tutorials. This effort was particularly intensified during the two years of lockdowns and cancellation of in-person activities. I have undertaken targeted training in programming, language acquisition, digital and traditional epigraphy, and GIS. I have also received several international scholarships, enabling me to enhance my skills and study in Greece, Bulgaria, and Australia. For a complete list, please refer to the CV on my website.

    • ENCODE training on Linked Open Data for Written Artefacts, 26-28 May 2021, Pietro Liuzzo, online; LOD, RDF, Triples, triplestore management, Ontologies

    • Software Carpentry Instructor training, Macquarie University, Sydney, 19-20 April 2018, trainers: Belinda Weaver and Alistair Walsh

    • Regular Expressions training (Powerful text searching and matching with RegExes; Regular expressions on Command), Intersect, University of Sydney, 11 Oct 2017

    • Software Carpentry, ResBaz 2017, UTS, 2-4 July 2017. Bash / Unix, Python, Git

    • Genes to Geosciences Research Group Postgraduate Workshop: Macquarie University, 3-day intensive training in R, software for statistical analysis, March 2016

    • International Postgraduate Exchange at Macquarie University, Session 1/2016; Feb - Aug 2016 (training in Digital Humanities; Archaeological Numismatics)

    • Summer school of Greek culture and literature, European Culture Centre of Delphi, Greece, Aug 2014

    • Summer school of Bulgarian language, University of St. Kliment Ohridski, Sofia, Bulgaria, Jul - Aug 2014, achieved level B1

    • Workshop ‘Current Practices and New Directions in Digital Epigraphy’, organised by EAGLE Europeana, Ljubljana, Slovenia, Feb 2014

    • Summer school of interdisciplinary studies, University of Lancaster, workshop GIS in Humanities, Ian Gregory and Patricia Murrieta-Flores, 14 - 19 July 2013, GIS in epigraphy

    • Study scholarship UNSW, Sydney, Australia, Feb - Jun 2013. Tutorial teaching, ARTS 2283 Classical Greece.

    • Study scholarship UNSW, Sydney, Australia, Feb - May 2012. Part-time tutorial teaching, ARTS 2283 Classical Greece.

    • Postgraduate Training Course in Epigraphy, British School at Athens, Jun - Jul 2011; methodology and theory of epigraphical work; practical training, R. Pitt, G. Oliver, S. Lambert, M. Langdon, A. Scafuro.

    • THYESPA, Jun - Jul 2010, Intensive language course of Modern Greek in Greece, Athens, Kapodistrian University of Athens, achieved level B2.

    • Intensive GIS and remote sensing training, Feb-Mar 2010, Adela Sobotkova, American Research Centre in Sofia, Bulgaria


    • Czech (native)

    • English (C1/2 - fluent)

    • French (B1 - proficient)

    • Modern Greek (B1 - proficient)

    • Bulgarian (B1 - proficient)

    • Danish (A2 - daily communication/reading)

    • German (A1 - basic)

    • Ancient Greek (research language)

    • Latin (research language)

    Professional Memberships

    • Jednota klasických filologů, since 2011

    • The Australian Archaeological Institute at Athens, since 2013

    • The Carpentries, worldwide, since 2018

    • Steering Committee of the, since 2021

    • informal leader of the Vocabularies Working Group,, webmaster since 2020