
Hellenisation of Ancient Thrace Project, the raw data presented here were collected in Heurist Scholar in 2013-2016

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The Hellenisation of Ancient Thrace Project

License: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

  • DOI: 10.17605/OSF.IO/FJNW5
  • OSF: https://osf.io/fjnw5/


Petra Heřmánková (Janouchová), PhD (petra.janouchova @ gmail.com)

ORCID iD iconorcid.org/0000-0002-6349-0540

  • PhD, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic (2011-2017)
  • Researcher at Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia @ FAIMS Project (2016-2018)
  • Postdoc at Aarhus University, Denmark @ SDAM Project (2019-2023)
  • Academia.edu: https://au.academia.edu/PetraHermankova
  • Twitter: @pettulda

The Aim:

The database has been populated with epigraphic data from a geographic area broadly conceived as falling within Ancient Thrace in a manner that crosses national and linguistic boundaries, and with an emphasis on the spatio-temporal attributes of individual inscriptions. The database makes possible the quantified analysis of more than 4600 inscriptions and their attributes, and is available for use and reuse by other scholars in epigraphy, philology, archaeology and other disciplines. The data has been primarily collected for the PhD project Hellenisation of Ancient Thrace based at Charles University, conducted by Petra Janouchová.

Structure of the repository:

  • Appendices - the appendices with the result of analyses generated for the dissertation submitted at the Charles University in Prague (mostly in Czech)
  • CSV Data Export - CSVs with raw data as exported from Heurist Scholar
  • Metadata - descriptions of contents of the database and interpretations of the material
  • PostgreSQL - raw data and scripts enabling to recreate a data structure in PostgreSQL database
  • R - R scripts with data analysis and results, separate README file explaining the dataset and analyses
  • Shapefiles - geospatial data, transformed from the raw data to the form of shapefile, ready to be use by GIS software, or plotted on the map, separate README explaining the origin
  • Temporal Animation - Carto.com timeline presentation of dated inscriptions, the CSVs containing date and spatial information for all inscriptions, and Python script reshaping the data to the required format, written by Brian Ballsun-Stanton


  • Link to the text of the dissertation (in Czech), typesetted with ConTeXt https://github.com/petrifiedvoices/dis_context
  • Defense 14 Dec 2017 in Czech, English version of the text is scheduled for 2020
  • Preliminary results published in various articles (access via OSF: https://osf.io/fjnw5/), contact me for more

Spatio-temporal overview of epigraphic production in Thrace (Carto timeline animation)

Carto spatio-temporal animation